Atomenergie ist kein Klimaretter

Ahaus, den 18.11.2021

Ein Schreiben an den vermutlich nächsten Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz (SPD) haben 130 Nichtregierungsorganisationen unterzeichnet. Deutschland soll sich der Annahme, Kernenergie sei nachhaltig bzw. ein Klimaretter, widersetzen. Gerade in der EU verfolgen einige Länder das Ziel, Atomenergie als Klimaretter mit EU-Mitteln zu fördern. Damit würden nach Ansicht der Unterzeichner die dringenden Aktionen zur Klimawende unterlaufen. Zu den Unterzeichnern gehören unter anderem der Bund für Umwelt und Naturschutz (BUND), die Deutsche Umwelthilfe und natürlich auch die Bürgerinitiative „Kein Atommüll in Ahaus“ e.V. Bundesumweltministerium Svenja Schulze (SPD) wies bereits darauf hin, dass eine solche Einstufung generell die Glaubwürdigkeit der Nachhaltigkeitskriterien untergraben würde.

Die BI-Ahaus ist mitten in dem Kreis der Unterzeichner!

The letter is now closed for signatures - thanks everyone for signing!

Olaf Scholz
Federal Minister of Finance
and Vice Chancellor

11016 Berlin

Open letter

Please save the Green Deal: Take action to prevent nuclear energy and fossil gas from being labelled as green

Dear Federal Minister,

We are extremely concerned by the announcement of the European Commission’s President, Ursula von der Leyen, to likely label both nuclear energy and fossil gas as sustainable in the context of the EU’s taxonomy. According to media coverage, it was the absence of a strong German voice against nuclear in the European Council on 21/22 October that directly contributed to this decision. In your role as current finance minister and future Chancellor, we call on you to swiftly and decisively confirm the German veto against labelling nuclear as a sustainable form of energy and highlight that the Commission’s attempt to shape this discussion during the sensitive time of a new government being formed in Germany is not acceptable.

The EU taxonomy regulation is meant to provide guidelines for the necessary future-oriented investments for Europe’s economic transition. Nuclear energy, however, is unsustainable due to severe safety risks, environmental pollution and the unsolved waste problem. Fossil gas emits large quantities of climate-damaging greenhouse gases, especially methane, along its extraction and transport chain. Granting nuclear and fossil gas the label of sustainability would undermine the EU’s climate targets, divert much-needed investments in the green transition and jeopardize the credibility of the entire European Green Deal.

Dear Federal Minister, Germany has embarked upon a clear path to phase out nuclear power by the end of next year. NGOs from across Europe count on you to take an equally clear stance against nuclear energy but also fossil gas at the European level.

Yours sincerely
